Jump into June – Tarot Readings for SP personality types. XSFP and XSTP

Welcome Again to the monthly personality/cognition type Tarot readings. Today I'll be using a deck that I have not used before in a reading for others yet. I am also writing this on my laptop rather than my PC, and I'm not quite used to this laptops keyboard, so please pardon any Typos as I … Continue reading Jump into June – Tarot Readings for SP personality types. XSFP and XSTP

Jump into June – Tarot Readings for NT personality types. XNTJ and XNTP

So I promised to write this on Sunday or Monday, but at this time it's now Wednesday. So I apologize for that, though for good reason. There's a bit of excitement as I've started learning Reiki and helping more of my friends lately with Tarot. There's another thing that I will be getting into, however … Continue reading Jump into June – Tarot Readings for NT personality types. XNTJ and XNTP