Crystal Skulls – Pick a card. Weekly reading for June 23-30*

Note: I've started this on Sunday, however due to other events that afternoon (Which I will address in a blog soon.) I'll likely be adjusting these to be Monday-Sunday instead of Sunday-Saturday. This will be published on Monday, June 24th. * Continuing with the same style as last time. Four cards again instead of one … Continue reading Crystal Skulls – Pick a card. Weekly reading for June 23-30*

Jump into June – Tarot Readings for the SJ Personality Types. XSFJ and XSTJ.

Today I am reading with the Deviant Moon tarot deck. XSFJ Romance/Relationships for ESFJ - Queen of Swords reversed, Nine of Cups reversed. So it seems like there might have been some trouble in your relationship lately that has you on the defense. Your partner may have done or said something you find callous, where … Continue reading Jump into June – Tarot Readings for the SJ Personality Types. XSFJ and XSTJ.

Crystal Skulls – Pick a Deck. Weekly reading for June 9-15

Hello again fellow wanderers! It's time again for the weekly crystal skull readings. This time I'm using two decks that you haven't seen on this blog yet. This is partly a consequence of the fact that the place I've been doing these readings is currently a mess, as my office and my altar shares a … Continue reading Crystal Skulls – Pick a Deck. Weekly reading for June 9-15

Jump into June – Tarot Readings for SP personality types. XSFP and XSTP

Welcome Again to the monthly personality/cognition type Tarot readings. Today I'll be using a deck that I have not used before in a reading for others yet. I am also writing this on my laptop rather than my PC, and I'm not quite used to this laptops keyboard, so please pardon any Typos as I … Continue reading Jump into June – Tarot Readings for SP personality types. XSFP and XSTP

Jump into June – Tarot Readings for NT personality types. XNTJ and XNTP

So I promised to write this on Sunday or Monday, but at this time it's now Wednesday. So I apologize for that, though for good reason. There's a bit of excitement as I've started learning Reiki and helping more of my friends lately with Tarot. There's another thing that I will be getting into, however … Continue reading Jump into June – Tarot Readings for NT personality types. XNTJ and XNTP