Recommended Discords Servers

Discord is not just for gaming, but there are a number of discord servers related to the Occult, Jungian Typology, and Tarot. Here are a few of them which I’ve been on. Some of these communities may or may not suit your tastes. I will describe each community, and add in the ‘mood’ of the server at the end.

Tarot Servers

The Tarot Server
Owner: QueenofPigeons #6741
The Tarot Server is a just as it says, a tarot server for all people to join in and learn more about tarot! We feature weekly card discussions, a classroom where members can host their own discussions, and a place to promote yourself. Other features include our general tarot chat, a place to talk about other forms of divination, and astrology. We are welcoming to everyone and all beliefs as long as you want to learn about Tarot and spend time among like minded people!
Mood Rating: Friendly, a bit slow at times, Good for learners and those that want to practice or exchange readings.

Typology Servers

Jung Blood
Owners: BleepingBee #4250 and Orgone #8879 (Jake)
A causal community for discussing typology, Jung, philosophy, and basically anything else. Very laidback, close knit server
Mood Rating: Knowledgeable, friendly, very ‘back to basics.’ Somewhat Casual, quiet. Knowledgeable in the basic theory – doesn’t often discuss Socionics or any of the newer models typology. Prefers self study and self-typing over having others type you.

Paradiso Cognitivam
Owners: Siberyn Lichtenvoorde #3100 & Enigma #4940
No server description yet, as it is a newer server.
Mood Rating: Very casual, relaxed, not just limited to jungian typology but also enneagram and big5. A bit memey/trollish. Does have knowledgeable people that can attempt to type you, at their own discretion.

Occult Servers

The Path Less Traveled.
Owner: Queen Dreaveev #0600
Occult/Witchcraft Server. Started in Feb of 2017.
Mood: Casual, good mix of experienced and inexperienced members. Voice chat is fairly regular.