Human Perception and Power – Lessons on Connecting to Spirit(s) #1

So I figured I’d do about two of these a week. For those that saw my introduction post for this series, you’ll see there is a small list of topics – these will be expanded over time. If you have not seen it yet, I recommend that you do.
The goal of this series is not just an instruction manual or set of meditations or what not. It’s more of a set of theories and explanations to get people started in the right mindset. I’ve spoken with a lot of folks in pagan and occult communities, and I’ve recognized a familiar feeling that they have expressed. Most of these people are fairly young, 18-25, and myself being 26. Some of the commonalities I’ve seen is why I am making this lesson here first. This is about the human experience and perception.

Who am I? Why do I want to speak to higher beings? Why do they want to speak with me?

So you’ve likely had questions like these going through your head and had made assumptions about yourself and these ideas. Perhaps you might have been like me and expected to find mostly disinterested or mildly perturbed parties at the other end of the line when first starting out. While such connections are possible, We won’t go there just yet.
First, consider not just your experience, but the human experience, for most humans at least. We come into this world with amnesia, we are vulnerable as children and even still vulnerable as adults. We are taught to give our power to others. Our priests and politicians, our parents, to our idols, and anyone who can speak the loudest on the Television or Radio or Internet. Many of us listen to others more than we listen to ourselves.
The fact is, we are born without memory of who we are and why we came here. As young children we may have a glimpse into this reality. But the thing is that most of us have little to no access to our memories of the spirit world or of past lives. We have to go into our dreams, or into trance, or any manner of merging with our subconscious in order to access bits of that memory.
We are infinite souls with a large web of connections. We are ‘wide bandwidth’ beings in our natural state with a lot of information and connections. Think about the concept of spirit guides, they may be connected to you from past lives but they are also learning from you living your life. This is also similar to why extraterrestrials connect with humans, as we assist each other. In a sense we are much like netflix or hulu for that level. It is an exchange of knowledge.
Often times we may encounter beings that are connected to us in more intimate ways – what effects us also effects them. Even in places many light years or light centuries away. There is still a contagion through the astral and other dimensions that is far reaching. This earth is considered a difficult place to be with unique lessons and opportunities not available in other worlds.

People incarnate here in order to learn these lessons and have this experience, knowing it is a difficult place to be and full of complications. We don’t remember what it is like on the other side, we don’t know the extent of who we are. When we are incarnated on this earth, we are playing a role given to us by society and the people around us. This role is not who we are in entirety. You may be broke and lonely in this lifetime but in others you may have been in a higher position of power and responsibility. All the same you may have been a slave or livestock in a previous life as well. There is a greater sense of equality in the higher levels of existence.

So in conclusion, there are belief systems and attitudes instilled that are in place to fit us into a certain role. We all have some abilities that would come as naturally to us as breathing, we channel without knowing we are channeling. We are connected to what we feel drawn to. I’ve spoken to someone that felt a desire to connect with the pleiadians, though they had their own blockages. ‘Distant but familiar.’
I’m writing this post for those that can relate to the same feeling. We give our power away, putting some things in the realm of fantasy even if we acknowledge possibilities in others. The last piece of advice here is to follow the subtle draws, what pulls you in? What makes your heart jump and sends shivers down your spine?

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