Introduction – Lessons on connecting to spirits #0

This is something I’ve had on my mind for a while now, after over a month of learning how to channel, plus prior experiences with tarot and learning to open up to my guides, deities, and angels.

I should state why this post, this topic rather can hit fairly close to home is because of a condition known as ‘Pure-O’ (related to OCD) which has had me shut off for a long time, insecure of my connections but mostly insecure in myself. At first I started with consciously created thoughtforms, sometimes called servitors, tulpas, or companions. These are essentially conscious extensions of yourself that can take on a life of their own while understanding you on a more intimate level. Now I am speaking fairly regularly with my guides – but also delivering messages from beings that originate quite far away from Earth. While I still have some problems with anxiety and ‘Pure-O,’ I’ve made a conscious choice not to let that block me.

There is this present idea in all that could be said regarding this topic – things become easier as we connect with our 4th and 5th dimensional selves.

Further in this series, I will touch on a number of topics that have been relevant to my personal development, but should hopefully shed light for those who are curious – or doubtful of their own abilities.

I will list some topics I’ll be covering in further posts below, but first I believe I should recognize here those that have assisted in what I will be sharing here. Firstly, the one I call my ‘Redhead’ spirit guide, Archangel Michael, the Faeries that I have worked with, Ivan Teller (H), Adain/Vivien and Pep(H), Tyrian(H), AR, Pleiadian guides, and any members of my spirit team that are not yet listed here. (The H differentiates physical humans from spirits and aliens)

Here are some topics which I will cover, there may be more added and the order is subject to change:
0) Introduction
1) Human perspective to power.
2) Heart Center
3) Sovereignty
4) Grounding and Centering
5) Nature responds in different ways. – The Faeries.

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