Area 51 channeling. The Pleiadians.

Notes: This is the first solo channeling I’ve done. There were a few times I had difficulty maintaining a connection, or I only heard bits of the information and had to confirm this is what they wanted to say. I have not yet established trance channeling or automatic writing.
You can call this an experiment. I am currently sharing this with other channelers from Ivan Tellers mentorship for feedback.

The first question I asked is who I am speaking with. I believe I am connecting to multiple beings or a council. The Pleiadian council of nine.

With love, lets begin.

Q: Greetings – first I would like to ask how you all are today.

A: We are doing wonderful. It is a pleasure to be here with you.

Q: As you are aware of the storm area 51 event supposedly taking place this September, you have picked up the phone so to speak so that we may hear what you have to say. First I would like to give you the opportunity to say what you would like, before asking questions.

A: We have always been watching your government facilities. It is true you are not alone on this Earth. From the very beginning of the foundation of your planet, we have agreed to assist humanity. It has been so long since you’ve last seen us but we are still here. Some times you can see our crafts in your sky. Yes we have visited you many times with much love.

Q: Indeed, we appreciate all the help, we earthlings tend to need what we can get.

A: (laughter) Indeed, but you’ve showed us how capable you are. We are very proud of you. We have watched you since you were an infant race.

Q: What do you see is the main proponent behind the storm Area 51 movement?

A: We are observing you, you want to find out the truth. You know there is more out there. You see it, even subconsciously. More and more people are opening their hearts up to the idea of a brighter future.

Q: So from your perspective, you do not perceive this as a joke – as most humans do?

A: No, clearly it is an expression of your higher collective will. They know some people are not ready. Making it into the form of a joke is necessary at this time.

As you can see by your recent Apollo anniversary, people are talking more about space. They are open to possibilities.

Q: Some of us are aware that there are E.Ts on planet, such as the Zetas and the Nordic beings.

A: The Nordic beings see this as a neccessary step in your advancement. Some wish to go further with disclosure. There are Zetas that do not feel humanity is ready yet.

Q: Would it be safe to say it is more mixed with the Zetas?

A: It would be a safe bet.

Q: Do you sense that anything will happen physically on the event?

A: No one will be allowed to enter. It is not just forbidden by your governments. Collective consciousness has deemed it unsafe.

Q: Will there be any violence or shootings?

A: We do not believe so. There may be accidents. Neither side will be equipped to engage.

Q: Do you perceive there will be a clear outcome from this?

A: Not yet, it is undecided.

Q: But still you see that this is an advancement?

A: It is an advancement of your society as you come into more allowing for information to come further. You wished this upon yourself to experience this event so that more people may see what is going on.

Q: Alright, as I’ve lost the connection a few times in this channeling I would like to keep this shorter. Blessings, and thank you.

I perceive what feels like a hug from their current spokesperson.
A: We are so glad we could join you today. Blessings.

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