Regarding the personality/cognition type readings.

I just finished the last one for June. The first couple weeks of this month has been rather hectic, else I would have finished these much sooner.

That being said, this will probably be the last month for these readings as they stand right now. Though it was a neat idea and it partially was the reason for starting this blog in the first place, I’ve lost interest in doing them. While I still look forward to creating other tarot related posts, I’ve been delaying these. As broad as Tarot and Typology may be, the intersection of the two is fairly niche.

For now, I would like to branch out into different readings and put these to the side. If I decide to bring them back, they will likely be done in a different format.

4 thoughts on “Regarding the personality/cognition type readings.

  1. Hi, I’ve been reading your blog regularly recently, it’s really very interesting!
    I appreciate the readings with the skulls, they always gave me insights I needed.
    As for personality readings, I would prefer montly readings – I think it’s a more real task for you to follow. And yes – if you want – they can be expanded ones.
    May I know your personality type as well?

    Liked by 1 person

    • You would prefer monthly readings as in what I am already doing? Or expanded Crystal Skull type readings? Sorry Iโ€™m not sure what you meant. As for my type, I am an INFJ. Thank you for reading and answering! Have a blessed day ๐Ÿ™‚


      • If there is a choice between those two, I would definitely prefer personality type readings!
        However, they are soooo different from skull readings – and may be part of your readers do not know their types! Therefore, I will stay tuned anyway and will agree to whatever you choose!
        p.s. Would you like any feedback on your readings?


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