Deck interview: Cosmic Tarot.

Now I already have nearly twenty decks, but I have an excuse – I recently gave one of my decks away to a young cousin of mine while she was visiting my Grandma. Besides, you can never have too many decks!

When I heard of this deck, the name ‘Cosmic’ captured my attention initially as I’ve been looking for a Tarot or Oracle deck that is more connected to the Extraterrestrials/Extradimensionals that have been assisting Earth and Humanity. While not necessarily based on them, this deck does still feel like a mix of worlds, colorful and lively. Going through the cards feels like going through an 80’s soap opera.

I am using this Tarot spread from Flickr.

Tell me about yourself:

Two of Pentacles: A young man steps on two circles in the sand as he walks. There’s a playfulness here as much as there is a seriousness. He holds his hand over his heart Chakra. The Sea – the nurturing feminine element and the depths of the unconscious mind is behind him. He is playing a balancing act, following his heart.

What do you teach?:

Two of Wands: Just like in the Two of pentacles, the man in this card is placing one foot in front of the other in a balancing act. He stands with the mountains behind him, nature around him. He has gained in wisdom with his age, confidence and understanding with his deeds. He stands between two staves, as if he is the embodiment of the ‘middle way.’ The heavens are open up above him, the sun shining, coming out of hiding behind the clouds. He stands with his chest out and head up, with dignity and authority.
Recognize where you come from and who you are. Study and understand the world around you.

What is the best way to work with you?:

Seven of Cups reversed: The first thing to catch my attention was the cup with a rose in the top right. When I flip the card around, I see what can be described as ‘a beautiful sorrow’ but reversed is a different story. The rose seems old, wilted, disheveled. Fake even. The man grovels at the floor. Instead of dreams, there are nightmares. Snakes lie before him, ascended in this card. The reality of his desires may be closer to him than he thinks, yet snakes whisper to him. He is yet to learn from the injuries of his past, so darkness slips through the cracks. He must dispel the illusions.

What are your Weaknesses?:

Seven of Wands: A man stands again bracing himself for combat with his stave drawn pointing at the sun. A shoddy looking fence is behind him, and six other staves are shown ready to fight him.
As I understand this is questions should be well thought out. It can only answer correctly if you ask the correct questions. This deck is best read with a calm mind.

What are your Strengths?:

Justice: A woman (with blue skin, perhaps this is connected with some aliens after all?) stands between two sides of duality, the light and the dark. The Taijitu (Yin and Yang symbol) is over her chest. Light comes from her eyes to both directions.
An eagle, representing the higher form of the sign of Scorpio, sits in the night side. Giving her the intelligence and clear sight of the ‘eagle eye’ to penetrate the darkness.
She wears a crown atop her head, showing her connected to Source.

What will be the outcome of this work?:

The World: A woman dances between the figures of the elements. She is partially veiled, and holding a wand or a cane. The flowing dance of life. Effortless synthesis comes with understanding of the world, calling back to the two of wands. She manifests not by fighting to bend reality to her will, she works along with nature. Her higher will manifests.

More Cards:

Let me know what you think. Do you have this deck? If not, would this be one you see yourself using?

You can purchase the deck, and accompanying books here.
This deck was suggested to me by a member of The Path Less Traveled Discord Server.

One thought on “Deck interview: Cosmic Tarot.

  1. Cosmic Tarot is a beautiful deck, I used to have it, but then sold it off thinking I do not understand it as much as to work with querents using this deck. Or probably my desire to know its depths was quite weak and not sufficient. It was Minor Arcana which puzzled me, geometric figures. And I did not know who all the actors are. However, my “colleagues” work with this deck actively. They’ve been telling me it’s especially good for readings about people since querents find people in the deck similar to their friends, family, lovers, etc. But I never knew everything about this deck though it’s really fascinating!

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